Monday, December 30, 2019

The Success Of Alibaba Company Essay - 1140 Words

Alibaba provides Chinese customers the option of being able to find whatever they need because they are linked to everyone that is in the market. Whether you are a large business or a small independent business, Alibaba gives you a chance to flourish. The Chinese market, which is very receptive to online shopping and these revolving around the internet makes the market easily penetrable for a company like Alibaba. Alibaba also benefits from not having any of their distribution centers near so they can keep their prices competitively low. Lastly, it’s also important to note that there are limits in the Chinese market, when it pertains to investment and financial services. 1. Given that Alibaba does not own or distribute any of the merchandise exchanged on its sites, describe what factors had to develop for the company to succeed. One of the main factors that was essential to the success of Alibaba was the commitment to distributing quality products. When building a company from the bottom you can only get it going by establishing brand loyalty and getting people talking about your products to new customers. If you push out poor quality products, it can have a negative effect on the reputation of Alibaba. Another thing to be cognizant of is the security of money and making sure that they comply with all regulations. Lastly, Alibaba has to separate themselves as a leader in the market. No more than ever, many companies are operating through the idea of online shopping. ThereShow MoreRelatedAlibaba: Competing in China and Beyond1395 Words   |  6 PagesAlibaba: Competing in China and Beyond Individual Report Intercultural Management Professor: Dr. Jacobo Ramirez Aalto University School of Economics Bachelor ´s Degree Program in International Business Mikkeli Campus September 3, 2012 Matti Uusivirta Introduction In this report I will examine the case â€Å"Alibaba: Competing in China and Beyond.† Alibaba under the leadership of Jack Ma, its founder has transformed into one of the most successful e-commerce companies in China. In the 2000s AlibabaRead MoreJack Ma1065 Words   |  5 Pages213 Vihang Jain 10.27.2014 Jack Ma’s Key to Success It’s a common saying â€Å"Where there is a will, there is a way† and a perfect example for this is the CEO of Alibaba, Jack Ma, who took the business world by storm with the largest IPO, exceeding the amount of 20 Billion dollars (CNBC, 2014). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gender Roles Of The American Film And Television Industry

Gender Slaves The America film and television industry’s excessive use of stereotypical gender roles has negatively influenced society. Stereotypical gender roles are based on standards expected of males and females. Men are considered to be financial providers, career motivated and aggressive. Whereas women have been represented as low position workers, loving wives and mothers. Despite television programs and films that attempt to promote positive concepts about gender, male superiority over women is still a reoccurring theme. Television programs and films are continuing to reinforce the image of female inferiority. The oppressive representation of women directly influences sexism ideologies. In â€Å"Putting the Me Back in Medical Drama: Grey’s Anatomy’s adventures in Mcfeminism,† Lara Hayhurst explains that males are placed at a higher pedestal than women regardless if the woman and man share the same position of power. While Lara Hayhurst argues that males are p laced in a higher pedestal, James Cameron’s award winning film Avatar encourages male dominance and sexism. The female characters are placed in a high position of status such as a scientist and a helicopter pilot. Although the film attempts to diverge from common gender stereotypes, the dominant male sex has more authority in the film. This essay discusses the issues of why women in the mass media continue to display as inferior to the man even when placed in a position of status. In addition, American isShow MoreRelatedThe White-Washed Screen: Misrepresentation Of Minorities817 Words   |  4 PagesMisrepresentation of Minorities in American Media Television and film is a huge part of American culture. As the â€Å"face† of America changes, it is expected for our media to reflect it. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Since the beginning of film, minorities have been misrepresented and underrepresented. While there has been a significant increase in minority actors since the beginning of film, there is still a huge underrepresentation present in American television and film. Our media needs to reflectRead MoreStar Trek Gender Sterotypes Essay1004 Words   |  5 PagesThe Star Trek television series was truly a groundbreaking show not just for its plot lines and ideological messages, but also for its revolutionary cast. Two of the main actors were Jewish, one main actor was a gay Asian, and of course, one was a black woman. Uhura was one of the first main black characters on a television show – and of course, her kiss with Kirk was the first interracial kiss ever on television. For a show in the 1960s, Star Tr ek broke many barriers across religious, racial, butRead MoreCasablanca: The Exemplification of Film in the 1940s and 50s975 Words   |  4 Pagesthe same, and change never comes easy, especially for Americans. 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Aspects such as, there are only male being featured in the film. Other perspectivesRead MoreGender Inequality : The Case Of The American Superhero Film Industry1425 Words   |  6 PagesSOC365-A FA17 Gender Inequality in the US: The Case of the American superhero film industry The American film industry creates gender inequality through its structural components and proliferates it through the generation of character archetypes that assimilate into social norms which appeal to a mass audience. This cycle of gender inequality is evident through the structural inequality of the industry, the reinforcement of stereotyped social norms, and the comparison of two recent American superheroRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media Essay1587 Words   |  7 Pagesin movies and television shows created by the large production companies affect all those who partake of the media they produce. Entertainment media can be uplifting and enjoyable, however, media normalizes damaging gender norms for men and women. Gender norms are rules believed to govern how the different sexes should look and act. People develop these behaviors by observing the world around them specifically the media. The media shapes how men and women develop standard gender norms. â€Å"In a climateRead MoreThe Science Fiction Film Genre Essay1691 Words   |  7 PagesThe science-fiction film genre serves as an excellent medium for examining shifting power structures, social paranoia and Cold War politics during the 1950s. A number of films released during this period, including: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), Them (1954) and Attack of the 50ft Woman (1958), are particularly symptomatic of the social and political atmosphere of the time. 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It wasn’t until recently that female directors and producers have been known to create content under the category of â€Å"intimate dramas.† As such, content involving arm dealers, spies and super naturals have been regarded as unfit categories for female directors and producers. In fact, female directors have made â€Å"rom-coms†, political, violent and traumatic films for years, but because they were madeRead MoreThe Sexualization of Women Today1692 Words   |  7 PagesThe TV and Film Industry’s Portrayal of Women has drastically affected many of their lives, much too often women compare themselves to the female images they see on television, film, and advertisings; at both the conscious and subconscious level, these media images of women lower self-esteem and affect behavior at every age and stage of life. We know they are unrealistic, yet they apply so much pressure on women to conform, and influence how we live, love, work and play. This gender role that society

Friday, December 13, 2019

Development of Feminism Free Essays

The Feministic Movement that emerged in Europe in the 19th century was a major event that changed the perception of how females were generally thought of. The publication of Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women  (1792) and John Stuart Mill’s  The Subjection of Women  (1869) ideas, social movements, and individual feminists migrated across land and sea, generating a powerful new context for the advancement of women’s rights. In this era, women’s right and emancipation were used to refer to what we today call as feminism. We will write a custom essay sample on Development of Feminism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Early feminists included both men and women who advocated equality for women in public institutions such as the church and the government and in the family and household. Almost all feminists advocated their right to education and literacy above everything else. These ideas were mostly fueled by major social, intellectual, economical and cultural transformations in Europe and North America. Feminist Movement has been classified into three categories or ‘waves’ by scholars. The first wave focused mainly on women’s suffrage which was the right of a woman to vote and stand for election. Virginia Woolf’s ‘A Room of One’s Own’ described the hardships that women endured that were inflicted by men. She talked about how women were the upholders of society as they acted as mirrors to men. The first women right’s convention was held in Seneca, New York were a Declaration of Sentiments was signed that outlined the grievances of and set the agenda for women right movement. The first wave ended with the passing of the law that gave women the right to vote. The second wave of feminism focused on gender inequality through cultures. It focused on how educated women who were housewives were dissatisfied which led them to question if that was all that there was to their life. It talked about ending discrimination and led to women enrolling in medical school and pursuing careers. The third wave of feminism dealt with developing the different achievements of women and addressing the issues of race distinction, gender violence and reproductive rights, to name a few. The feministic movement liberated women from pre-conceived gender specific roles and their ability to make their own decisions in all walks of life. It gave women voting rights, employment opportunities and giving them the choice to have a family or not. The feminist movement continues even today with people like Gloria Steinem, Dionne Brand, Hillary Clinton, Kurt Cobain, Betty Ford, Urvashi Vaid, Sandra Oh, Naomi Wolf and Taslima Nasreen to name a few. The Feminist Movement has played a key role for the past century and continues to this day. How to cite Development of Feminism, Essay examples Development of Feminism Free Essays The Feministic Movement that emerged in Europe in the 19th century was a major event that changed the perception of how females were generally thought of. The publication of Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women  (1792) and John Stuart Mill’s  The Subjection of Women  (1869) ideas, social movements, and individual feminists migrated across land and sea, generating a powerful new context for the advancement of women’s rights. In this era, women’s right and emancipation were used to refer to what we today call as feminism. We will write a custom essay sample on Development of Feminism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Early feminists included both men and women who advocated equality for women in public institutions such as the church and the government and in the family and household. Almost all feminists advocated their right to education and literacy above everything else. These ideas were mostly fueled by major social, intellectual, economical and cultural transformations in Europe and North America. Feminist Movement has been classified into three categories or ‘waves’ by scholars. The first wave focused mainly on women’s suffrage which was the right of a woman to vote and stand for election. Virginia Woolf’s ‘A Room of One’s Own’ described the hardships that women endured that were inflicted by men. She talked about how women were the upholders of society as they acted as mirrors to men. The first women right’s convention was held in Seneca, New York were a Declaration of Sentiments was signed that outlined the grievances of and set the agenda for women right movement. The first wave ended with the passing of the law that gave women the right to vote. The second wave of feminism focused on gender inequality through cultures. It focused on how educated women who were housewives were dissatisfied which led them to question if that was all that there was to their life. It talked about ending discrimination and led to women enrolling in medical school and pursuing careers. The third wave of feminism dealt with developing the different achievements of women and addressing the issues of race distinction, gender violence and reproductive rights, to name a few. The feministic movement liberated women from pre-conceived gender specific roles and their ability to make their own decisions in all walks of life. It gave women voting rights, employment opportunities and giving them the choice to have a family or not. The feminist movement continues even today with people like Gloria Steinem, Dionne Brand, Hillary Clinton, Kurt Cobain, Betty Ford, Urvashi Vaid, Sandra Oh, Naomi Wolf and Taslima Nasreen to name a few. The Feminist Movement has played a key role for the past century and continues to this day. How to cite Development of Feminism, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dolls House Victims Essay Research Paper In free essay sample

Doll`s House Victims Essay, Research Paper In what ways do you happen Nora a victim? In what ways at mistake? Nora Helmer, the married woman of Torvald Helmer and female parent of 3 kids, is a really complex and weather adult female for her clip. She plays the chief function in the drama and is indispensable to its secret plan. She is both a victim of her fortunes and besides at mistake for actions which she committed. Nora is a victim. Throughout her full life, she has neer been taken earnestly by anyone. She has been treated like a doll by both male characters in her life, her male parent and her hubby, and has acted consequently. She has believed whatever they have told her without any inquiry because she feared it would anger them. ? At place, Daddy used to state me what he thought, so I thought the same. We will write a custom essay sample on Dolls House Victims Essay Research Paper In or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And if I thought otherwise, I kept quiet about it, because he wouldn? Ts have liked it? and he played with me as I used to play with my dolls. Then I came to populate in your house? ? ( Henrik Ibsen: Act III, pg. 1465 ) Therefore, she constructs a life of dishonesty because she encompasses different ethical motives than her hubby, and their heads neer meet. Torvald Helmer has straight rules and knows clearly where he is, where he is traveling and how he is traveling to acquire at that place. Nora has conflicting ends because she does non hold a distinct way for her hereafter and she writes her ain narrative. Nora is at mistake. She makes determinations on her ain, borrows money to salvage her husba neodymium, and makes the determination to hammer her male parent? s signature, and is excited about what she is making which is the worst error. She besides does non follow the expected female behaviour for her clip, which causes her jobs. A good illustration of that would be when she borrowed money from Krogstad. This determination entirely was non even a possibility for a adult female of her clip nor was her determination to borrow without the consent of a male such as her hubby or male parent. Her biggest and most sculpt error is counterfeit of her male parent? s signature on the IOU in effort to save him any concern on his deathbed. She is besides at mistake because she ahs rules which are in struggle with the jurisprudence. An illustration of that would be the mode in which she views that her offense of counterfeit was allowable because she meant good and was non seeking to really perpetrate the offense for her ain benefit, but instead with good purposes. She does non understand that a offense committed is a offense committed whether or non the purposes were good or bad and that she will be held accountable by the jurisprudence regardless of what she feels is right. This drama has many subjects which add to Nora? s character and place such as conflicting values and rules, the gender issue which is the expected male behaviour and the expected female behaviour, and how the female function is disappointing, restricting and false. Are these subjects still concerns for adult females in the present twenty-four hours?